Wild at Heart Horse Rescue is an 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We have zero paid employees and run totally on donations from amazing people like you. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
We appreciate and are very grateful for our volunteers. We are always happy to have new volunteers come out and join our herd. You do not need experience with horses but loving them is a must! We ask our volunteers to help with grooming, watering, feeding, mucking stalls, loving and socializing with the horses. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer. We would love to give you a tour of the facility and introduce you to our horses. Our volunteer orientations are on Saturdays at 8am.
We have several sanctuary horses that are in need of a sponsor. If you would like to become a monthly sponsor, you may sign up for your recurring monthly donations using the PayPal donate button or via Venmo. Sponsoring will include hay, feed, supplements, farrier, treats, and training. If you are in the area, we encourage you to come visit and spend time grooming and loving on the horse if you can. With your sponsorship, you will receive weekly photos of your horse, and a Christmas and birthday card from your horse. Recommended donation amounts are $20, $50, $75, or $150 (Full Sponsorship). You can also adjust the amount to how much YOU want to donate. Contact us for more information. We will be forever grateful!